The Prestonpans Tapestry

The 104 tapestry panels were finally completed and sewn into cohorts of 20 x 5 [+4] for the first and 'Private Viewing' by The Stitchers themselves on July 26th 2010 on The Green Hills, Prestonpans. The media also attended and gave the artwork a magnificent send-off with feature articles - details have been abstracted in the News & Reports area of this website. Glowing tributes were paid to design artist Andrew Crummy and the 200+ Stitchers led by Dorie Wilkie with her core team of 'Panel Beaters'. The Tapestry then began its Highlands and Lowlands Tour in the footsteps and on then dates The Prince himself travelled in 1745 returning to Prestonpans by September.

Prestoungrange Poet Laureate John Lindsay composed two new works honouring the Tapestry and its Stitchers which he included in a vaudeville production on July 26th he also scripted - LINKED HERE

The comprehensive details of each embroidered panel, its historical context and its stitcher's own tag and notes are now available here on this website. 'Hi res jpegs' of images are available under the copyright terms  given at the side button on this page.

View the Tapestry Slideshow Online

All 104 panels can be viewed and navigated through our interactive online tour of the tapestry. There are no files to download, instead you can view the tapestry with historical notes and embroiderer biography quickly and easily

view the tapestry

View the Historical Notes

Alternatively there is the opportunity to view the synoptic history pictured in each embroidered panel with out the pictures in this Word document.

The Prestonpans Tapestry created by Prestoungrange Arts Festival and the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust in support of the campaign for a Living History Centre in Prestonpans.
Designed and created by Design and Online Ltd