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Clans Parade through Prestonpans past streets that commemorate their names

Meadowmill to Greenhills sees Clans Parade with The Prince, Charles Edward Stuart

On horseback The Prince is confident as he leads the Clans who have gathered on Parade through Prestonpans, along Appin Drive and past streets named after all the Clans that Came Out in September 1745. After Prestonpans, many more Highlanders and Lowlanders joined The Prince as he marched to Derby after Victory here, but the Clans invited in 2018 were those who had responded to The Call and fought in that first successful engagement. [See details below.]

[Final set of pictures from Andrew Crawford - with thanks]

Clan Chiefs and Representers in Prestonpans for this Commemoration

CAMERONS: Dr Roderick Cameron, Representer; President, Clan Cameron Society

STEWARTS OF APPIN: David Stewart of Achara; Representer for Appin. Jenn Scott; Secretary; Stewart Society

MacGREGORS: Sir Malcolm MacGregor, Chief. Alex MacGregor, Representer

MacDONALDS OF KEPPOCH: Ranald Alastair MacDonald of Keppoch, Chief.

MacDONELLS OF GLENGARRY: Ian MacDonald, Representer

MacDONALDS OF CLANRANALD: Mark Hayball, Special Representer for London for the Clan Donald Society and Clan Donald Chiefs

MacDONALDS OF GLENCOE: Alan MacDonald, Yr. to Chief Colin MacDonald. Brent Tomlinson, Representer MacDonalds of New Zealand

MacLACHLANS: Tony MacEwen, Chairman & Representer. Alasdair MacLachlan, VisitScotland and Clan Member

ROBERTSONS OF STRUAN: Alexander Gilbert Robertson of Struan, Chief. Bridget Robertson of Struan. Stephanie Robertson, Society Organiser

Published Date: September 19th 2018

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