The Prestoungrange Christmas Art Class Exhibition
What an abundance of talent East Lothian has. Monday 29 November was the private viewing and the opening of the second exhibition from the Prestoungrange Art Classes. The calibre of paintings had definitely improved from the first exhibition and this is thanks to Andrew Crummy and Tom Ewing for their time and dedication on Monday and Thursday evenings tutoring, offering advise and criticism on a personal level to each and everyone that attends the classes.
The topics of the paintings vary considerably from Toucans to Palm Trees to Bridges to what dreams are made of!
For the exhibition the Thomas Nelson Suite had been transformed into an array of colours and pictures. It’s such a treat to see the walls bearing a plethora of canvases showcasing peoples’ creativity.
The evening ended successfully with 6 paintings being sold and thus making a contribution of over £150 for The Prestoungrange Arts Festival Art Class Fund.
But do not fear – there are still another 23 paintings to choose from should you wish to make a purchase for that “someone special” Christmas Stocking or for that blank wall in your office. The prices of the paintings are reasonable and range from £50.00 to £150.00
Click on images to enlarge
Published Date: November 29th 2004