Who Was Shedding Tears?
Barons of Scotland Lose Judicial Powers and Feudal Land Rights
So who was shedding any tears? Scotland's 4000 + feudal Barons lost their judicial powers and dominum directum land rights on the Appointed Day - being November 28th 2004. Thus ended 1000 years of feudal law making in Scotland, the last country in Europe to make the supreme sacrifice on the altar of democracy.
Did anyone notice? Well hopefully more than a few in Prestonpans did who live on what were the ancient baronial lands of Prestoungrange & of Dolphinstoun. Because since 1998 the Barons Courts here have been the structure that has driven the Arts Festival and the restoration of The Prestoungrange Gothenburg. In fact, they've set a cracking pace that few if any other Baronies have attempted to match. Furthermore they have no intention of allowing an Appointed Day to come between them and their intended purpose in the Pans!
Crown Baronial Charter
Fully aware that November 28th 2004 was a significant date unless they took their future in their own hands well before then, the Barons Courts on July 27th 2004 promulgated a Crown Charter for their continuing existence ceremonially with full regalia and Officers and Arms. Specifcally the Barons Courts have been a Limited by Guarantee Company since 1998 and a Scottish Charity since 2002, so everything except handing down punishments of 3 daylight hours in the stocks or amerciamentis or fines of 40/- Scots stays just the way it has been...except ..
November 28th annually to be celebrated as Barons Day at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg
From 2005 onwards each November 28th will be celebrated at The Prestoungrange Gothenburg with an outstanding display of fireworks and Barons of beef in the restaurants washed down with some fine Fowler's ales. And Barons from across Scotland will be invited as well as the local incumbents. But that is from 2005. As the Appointed Day came Prestoungrange and Dolphinstoun were both keeping a low profile, perhaps afraid of riotous celebrations by their finally freed vassals. In particular Prestoungrange was in Mauritius tracing the actual home of Prestoungrange Gothenburg Inc., the current owners that have given East of Scotland Public House Limited [trading as The Prestoungrange Gothenburg] a 10 year lease on the original Gothenburg Principles.
He, and Lady Prestoungrange, found the Registered Office at 520 Barkly Wharf on Le Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis hosted by Federal Trust, and as some will know Mauritius is just a delightful tropical spot. Its association with France is as long standing as Scotland's although today it is a Republic in the Commonwealth.
As midnight arrived on November 28th Prestoungrange raised his champagne glass to his predecessors in the Barony and to its exciting future. And as chance would have it as he and Lady Prestoungrange dined later, others joined in the celebration....
Next year, @ The Prestoungrange Gothenburg ....
Published Date: November 28th 2004