Blindwells/ Charlestoun Plans Taking Shape ..

Significance of Riggonhead Defile must never be lost

The Battle Trust has been making the case for more than 5 years now that when the welcome development takes place at the old open cast coal mining area known as Blindwells, the route the Highlanders took in the night to enable their victory passed across that spot. Each year since 2007 the annual re-enactments have begun with the re-creation of that march. And Andrew Hillhouse has beautifully captured the moments.

Further the Trust has suggested the new community might better be known as Charlestoun rather than Blindwells. In its initial designs, Hargreaves the developer has taken on board the commemorative suggestions with a Prince's Loch and Park designated. All in all it looks like the new community will indeed have a fascinating heritage to remember from Day 1. Public consultations are now in progress ....

There's more to Blindwells/ Charlestoun than meets the eye of course ... it's close to Seton Collegiate and more besides ...

Published Date: Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Prestonpans Tapestry created by Prestoungrange Arts Festival and the Battle of Prestonpans 1745 Heritage Trust in support of the campaign for a Living History Centre in Prestonpans.
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